Tips For Using Eureka Math

 It is real dissimilar than most curriculums in addition to it tin sack live tough to acquire started Tips for Using Eureka Math

Get the Training

Several years ago, my tertiary degree squad had the accolade of piloting the Eureka curriculum (Engage NY). We did non have whatever grooming on this computer program that year. We struggled. Honestly it felt similar nosotros were treading H2O all yr in addition to in that place were several times that nosotros started taking inward some water. It was tough. But nosotros survived!

We establish equally the yr went on how helpful their strategies in addition to lessons were for our students.

Our schoolhouse decided to adopt this computer program the next yr in addition to brought a trainer to our school. During that grooming nosotros learned some of import tips from the creators of this curriculum. We kept saying, "OMG! I wishing I had known this concluding year! It makes thus much to a greater extent than feel now!" So if your schoolhouse tin sack afford the official training, DO IT! 

Here are some take-aways from our training:


When it comes to the concept development, do non follow the script give-and-take for word. The trainers had us exercise giving the lesson to our peers. We couldn't live also wordy. We were told to live efficient in addition to maintain the concept evolution inside 20 minutes. Some suggestions to assist yous live successful amongst this would live to non piece of work every instance inward the lesson. Choose ahead of fourth dimension which examples are best.

You tin sack also relieve fourth dimension amongst the fluency activities yesteryear non completing every action each day. One twenty-four hr menstruum yous may solely do the Sprint activities. The adjacent day, yous may only do the skip-counting. There may fifty-fifty live days when yous do non have got fourth dimension for either.

The Problem Set should also live a quick activity. We were told to solely have got your students pass 10-15 minutes on this piece. You tin sack easily differentiate these equally well. There are some problems that yous volition desire everyone to complete, in addition to in that place are extension problems at the goal to extend in addition to challenge other learners.

Module Order

Teach the modules inward order!

Yes, it felt foreign teaching multiplication at the commencement of this grade. But, the modules construct upon each other. Follow the social club of the modules! #seriously

If yous detect that yous volition non have got fourth dimension to learn all lessons, acquire to the commencement of the instructor manuals in addition to detect the page that gives suggestions on which lessons yous tin sack skip due to fourth dimension constraints. Some of those skipped lessons would brand cracking enrichment activities for your higher learners.


I've already mentioned that the work sets tin sack live differentiated. The same tin sack live done amongst the homework piece. Some learners may solely live able to consummate the front end side, others may live create for the dorsum side in addition to the concluding few challenging problems. The writers of the curriculum apartment out told us that they did non intend for every pupil to consummate every work on the exercise sheet!

You may also desire to differentiate amongst little groups. At my instructor tabular array during centers, I have got some students consummate the work laid i time to a greater extent than on their white boards, but I modify the numbers around.

I also used the Word documents from Engage New York to rewrite assessments amongst dissimilar numbers equally an action inside my groups. This is key!!! It volition growth your attempt out scores because students volition sympathise the type of questioning!


Use the resources available online!

My students consummate Zearn ( at their seats during centers. Sometimes, I would fifty-fifty projection lessons from Zearn on the board during the whole grouping lesson.

Embarc is some other cracking online resources for this curriculum. You tin sack detect application problems written out on Google slides, videos of every lesson, Google Slides for each lesson, acquire out tickets, in addition to many other downloadable resources. You tin sack also detect a instructor faculty lounge on this website. This is a identify to engage inward conversations most this curriculum, in addition to portion tips in addition to advice.

If your district or schoolhouse is using Engage New York, a gratuitous online resource, recall that in that place are a few pocket-size differences betwixt Engage in addition to Eureka.

Add inward Centers

Math centers in addition to guided math groups made such a deviation inward my math educational activity in addition to pupil appointment amongst Eureka lessons.

I could easily differentiate my centers in addition to my guided math grouping lessons to encounter the needs of my students. My guided math groups gave me an chance to reteach lessons that students were struggling with. My independent middle rotation became some other chance to give-up the ghost on practicing the skills amongst hands-on activities. If yous are interested inward learning to a greater extent than most how I used math centers inward my classroom, click HERE.  

Click on your degree bird to larn to a greater extent than most what skills in addition to activities are included inward these middle bundles.

Parent Help

Communication is key. Send abode the nurture newsletters (I establish these on Embarc) that explicate each module.

I also asked my parents to communicate amongst me when their fry was struggling amongst the homework. I told them it is okay to circle the work where their fry started to fighting in addition to halt for the night. The students in addition to thus had the responsibleness of coming to consider me the adjacent twenty-four hr menstruum to exhibit me where they struggled in addition to to acquire extra help.

 It is real dissimilar than most curriculums in addition to it tin sack live tough to acquire started Tips for Using Eureka Math

Every shape is non the same. Some of these tips may live helpful to you, others may non piece of work for you. I promise yous tin sack have got away a tip that volition assist yous amongst your educational activity using Eureka or Engage New York.

Have a Not So Wimpy day!