5 Maths Gems #6

introducing calculus, a post nearly starters together with teaching inequalities together with a calendar of maths educational activity conferences. I've also added novel bits together with pieces to my resource libraries together with homeworks page. I've withal flora fourth dimension for Twitter - here's this week's highlights.

1. Geogebra
For those of us who are likewise busy or non techy plenty to make clever things alongside Geogebra, in that location are really helpful people who make it for us. I've mentioned Mathimation before. Here’s a few to a greater extent than interactive teaching tools that receive got been shared on Twitter recently:

2. Two Superb Resources
I encounter a hell of a lot of skillful maths resources inwards my resource-addled life, but every right away together with and then I encounter ane that is absolutely superb. This calendar week was groovy because I discovered 2 such resources.

Ben Tanner (A level, my students flora them really useful for testing each other both inwards flat together with at home.

Extract from GCSE revision cards - tannermaths.co.uk

Chris Smith (@aap03102) produces a vivid weekly newsletter total of fantastic maths teaching ideas - if you lot don't already subscribe together with then email him right away to learn on the mailing list. This calendar week he tweeted nearly his relay races because they passed 100,000 downloads on TES. I can't believe that I, the resourceaholic, receive got never seen these before.

I've used revision relays alongside my classes earlier together with they've ever worked really well, therefore I'll definitely live using these release puzzle races. There are 10 relays hither including ane for Halloween, ane for Christmas together with ane for Easter. That's terminate of term sorted then.

Extract from Halloween Relay Race - Chris Smith on TES

The 100,000 downloads got me thinking nearly how many maths teachers in that location are inwards the UK. First I started thinking nearly how many schools in that location are together with how many maths teachers per school, but together with then I thought it mightiness live easier to outset from how many teenagers in that location are inwards the UK. This reminded me of a undertaking interview I ane time had. Now here's a story for your students if they ever inquire when they'll demand maths.

During my lastly twelvemonth at academy I had an interview for a graduate undertaking equally a administration consultant at PwC. I'd already done a summertime internship at KPMG therefore was feeling fairly confident. The pick solar daytime started alongside a maths examine much similar this one. After the examine I had dejeuner inwards a conference room alongside the other candidates. An administrator came inwards after dejeuner to denote who had failed the maths examine (the unsuccessful candidates had to learn out at that indicate - an awkward 2d for all). I survived the cutting together with proceeded to a bizarre undertaking interview.

The interviewer asked me how many planes were inwards the heaven at that moment. He wanted an actual number, non merely a method. Once I'd had a learn (starting point: how many airports inwards the world) he together with then asked me to reply ane time to a greater extent than using a dissimilar method, therefore I did (starting point: world's population). He together with then asked for some other method. We went through the same procedure for 'how many babies were born inwards the Britain yesterday?'. I intend I did a reasonably skillful undertaking of answering these questions - us mathematicians are skillful at lateral thinking. The lastly interrogation inwards the interview was nearly how I would mensurate the peak of a edifice using merely a barometer. I gave a few sensible answers but he kept asking for more. He stopped when I gave an utterly ridiculous reply which I won't acknowledge to hither (if you're coming the conference inwards 2 weeks, inquire me then). Moral of the story - maths together with occupation solving skills learn you lot far. You never know what you'll live asked inwards a undertaking interview. And don't live the somebody sent dwelling identify at lunch.

3. Two Superb Websites
@dazmck shared the website 'That Quiz' which allows you lot to laid complimentary online tests together with homeworks inwards a broad gain of topics from Key Stage three to H5N1 level. It alone takes a infinitesimal to brand a examine together with e-mail the URL to your students. They learn instant feedback on their answers (either throughout the quiz or at the end). They also learn an chance to right their mistakes. There are a release of settings but it's ridiculously tardily to use.

thatquiz.org menu

If you lot register (which takes roughly 5 seconds) you lot tin also collect your students' scores online. Here's an instance of a box plot examine question:

Example interrogation from thatquiz.org

This website is therefore incredibly helpful together with tardily to use, it reminds me of some other groovy website - Form Time Ideas. This is past times far the best tutor fourth dimension resources I've seen. It's beautifully designed together with tardily to use. The content is location on together with it changes every day. Websites that salve fourth dimension are a god-send for busy teachers.


4. Words to Avoid
Twitter had me inwards stitches this week. @taylorda1 tweeted nearly something he'd said inwards a lesson that his students had flora amusing. Most teachers receive got made slips similar this - they tin stimulate a lot of disruption!

The conversation that followed this tweet was really funny. For the sake of novel or trainee teachers, here's a listing of things to avoid maxim inwards maths lessons:
  • In probability, don't toss a money together with learn a head. In a room total of teenagers, far amend to flip a money together with learn a tail.
  • Avoid examples involving 'balls inwards a bag'. 'Discs inwards a bag' tin live merely equally problematic if non said clearly. Try counters instead.
  • Also inwards probability, live careful how you lot country 'the or rule'.
  • When writing on the board make non shorten the give-and-take cumulative. Cum freq is probable to stimulate a stir.
  • Don't brand c proportional to k (c∝k).
  • Careful what you lot country (and how you lot gesture) when talking nearly enlargements, top heavy fractions together with going downwardly the release line.
  • Be prepared for giggles if an reply is 69.
  • Avoid having refer to 'the d' or maxim 4q ('4q too!').
  • We can't avoid f(x) but live prepared for 'f off' silliness. Avoid f(u).
  • When writing page numbers on the board, beware of p155.
  • Don't country cos. Say cosine. Cos Omac is an insult together with for sure non suitable for a maths lesson if whatever of your students speak Arabic!
Thanks to all the tweeters who contributed to this list.

It plant both ways. I had to stifle my young giggles when I attended a Year 13's verbalize on the dangers of fracking.

There's to a greater extent than 'dirty mathematics' here.

5. Calligrams
@edsouthall tweeted some of these Minimal Math Concepts.

I beloved these together with was really pleased to discovery that you lot tin purchase them equally a sheet or framed impress - some other affair for my christmas list! I've added this to my mathsy gifts page.

@tessmaths shared her lovely thought for a flat activity on Maths Calligrams. A calligram is a phrase or give-and-take inwards which the text is arranged inwards a agency that creates a visual image. The epitome created past times the words expresses visually what the give-and-take says. This could live incorporated into a main or secondary maths lesson - give students a listing of maths vocabulary together with inquire them to create pictures to assist agreement together with recall.
Maths Calligram by @JonTrebyAAN

I promise you've flora some of these ideas helpful. I'm taking requests for futurity resources posts therefore if there's a detail theme you'd similar me to feature, delight email or tweet me.