It all started when I saw a PGCE educatee photocopying this blog. Ooh, novel websites! Heaven for a resourceaholic.
I haven't had a run a endangerment to facial expression at all these websites yet, only here's around of my top resources recommendations from the websites I've looked at together with therefore far. I've focused on H5N1 marker because that's where I intend it's hardest to detect interesting instruction ideas.
Statistics 1
Illustrative Mathematics has around fantastic ideas for instruction S1. Here's a pick of examples:
- Correlation together with Regression: a lovely activity on java shops together with crime. Includes calculating a correlation coefficient, interpreting a regression equation together with considering causality together with outliers.
- Discrete Random Variables: a brusk activity Sounds Really Good! (sort of) which features a real-life purpose of expectation. Bob's Bagel Shop is similar.
- Probability: the carte du jour action Describing Events is an splendid introduction to probability together with the activity Venn Diagrams together with the Addition Rule is skilful too. I also similar this brusk Titanic action on independence.
- Data: These activities on Haircut Costs together with Speed Trap focus on comparison box plots. Describing Data Sets alongside Outliers and Identifying Outliers are almost outliers together with skewness inwards information (see my related postal service on instruction skewness).
- Normal Distribution: brusk contextual exercises blog. Ooh, novel websites! Heaven for a resourceaholic.
I haven't had a run a endangerment to facial expression at all these websites yet, only here's around of my top resources recommendations from the websites I've looked at together with therefore far. I've focused on H5N1 marker because that's where I intend it's hardest to detect interesting instruction ideas.
Statistics 1
Illustrative Mathematics has around fantastic ideas for instruction S1. Here's a pick of examples:
- Correlation together with Regression: a lovely activity on java shops together with crime. Includes calculating a correlation coefficient, interpreting a regression equation together with considering causality together with outliers.
- Discrete Random Variables: a brusk activity Sounds Really Good! (sort of) which features a real-life purpose of expectation. Bob's Bagel Shop is similar.
- Probability: the carte du jour action Describing Events is an splendid introduction to probability together with the activity Venn Diagrams together with the Addition Rule is skilful too. I also similar this brusk Titanic action on independence.
- Data: These activities on Haircut Costs together with Speed Trap focus on comparison box plots. Describing Data Sets alongside Outliers and Identifying Outliers are almost outliers together with skewness inwards information (see my related postal service on instruction Logs.
- Quadratics together with Cubics: I similar this short Cubic Graph task (answers here) from Mathematics Assessment Project. There's around great Forming Quadratics activities hither too.
- Circles: Mathematics Assessment Project also has amount lesson plans - I've successfully used the splendid materials from Equations of Circles 1 and Equations of Circles 2 alongside my Year 12s.
- Surds: See resources listed inwards my before spider web log post, blog. Ooh, novel websites! Heaven for a resourceaholic.
I haven't had a run a endangerment to facial expression at all these websites yet, only here's around of my top resources recommendations from the websites I've looked at together with therefore far. I've focused on H5N1 marker because that's where I intend it's hardest to detect interesting instruction ideas.
Statistics 1
Illustrative Mathematics has around fantastic ideas for instruction S1. Here's a pick of examples:
- Correlation together with Regression: a lovely activity on java shops together with crime. Includes calculating a correlation coefficient, interpreting a regression equation together with considering causality together with outliers.
- Discrete Random Variables: a brusk activity Sounds Really Good! (sort of) which features a real-life purpose of expectation. Bob's Bagel Shop is similar.
- Probability: the carte du jour action Describing Events is an splendid introduction to probability together with the activity Venn Diagrams together with the Addition Rule is skilful too. I also similar this brusk Titanic action on independence.
- Data: These activities on Haircut Costs together with Speed Trap focus on comparison box plots. Describing Data Sets alongside Outliers and Identifying Outliers are almost outliers together with skewness inwards information (see my related postal service on instruction Surds.