Dry Erase Tabular Array Update...3 Months Later

I idea it is close fourth dimension I hand some updates on the biggest alter to my classroom this year...our novel dry out erase table! Earlier this schoolhouse year, I wrote close the procedure of turning my front end tabular array into a giant dry out erase board for students to purpose during our sixth flat math workshop. Click HERE for that linnk. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 tin of primer in addition to dry out erase pigment later, hither is what the initial consequence was... a build novel (and shiny!) table.

The students accept absolutely loved using the table. We used it almost every unmarried 24-hour interval during our math workshop at the "Teacher Center." At this center, I hand students 3-4 problems to induce in addition to I tin aid equally needed. I latterly began creating chore cards of these problems (I was tired of asset upwards the problems on a white board!). Click HERE for a complimentary re-create of the decimal in addition to exponent problems (and banking enterprise jibe out my store for other units - to a greater extent than are withal inward the works!). If students wing through these initial problems, in addition to thence I hand them an enrichment chore bill of fare that is focused on whatever math concept nosotros are learning. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 total railroad train of these enrichment chore cards has been available inward my TpT store for a spell - if you lot are interested inward a re-create click this link: Math Enrichment Task Cards. The dry out erase tabular array has been perfect for students to purpose equally nosotros consummate these problems. I tin easily banking enterprise jibe to come across if they are on the right rails equally they work!

My biggest describe of piece of job alongside the tabular array going inward was how it would agree up. I bought the cheapest dry out erase pigment from Home Depot... I think it was close $20 if I think correctly. I'd tell on a scale of 1-10, I would hand it close a 7.5 equally far equally its status after 3 months. This is after pretty heavy purpose I powerfulness add. Each spot on the tabular array gets used past times 12 groups a day, which way 12 students per spot. Each of those students is doing or thence five problems each 24-hour interval at that spot. That adds upwards to each spot existence used in addition to erased close lx times per day! Here is what the tabular array currently looks like.

It's a niggling tough to come across alongside the glare, simply the heavily used spots are definitely non perfectly white anymore... simply honestly, this doesn't actually bother me. For how much students bask using it in addition to how convenient it is to purpose during math workshop, it is definitely worth it. Other than it non existence perfectly shiny, the exclusively other youngster number has been a few pocket-size chips or cracks inward the paint. I am considering putting on a fresh coat of the dry out erase pigment over wintertime break, although it wouldn't last necessary. So what's my persuasion on how the tabular array is working? Even though it isn't a perfect white (I was never expecting it to remain that way!) in addition to at that topographic point are a few pocket-size cracks inward the paint, I am happy alongside how it has worked inward my classroom in addition to would 100% create it again.

Here are a few to a greater extent than shots of the tabular array inward action! If you lot accept questions close the table, permit me know inward the comments!