Math Is Everywhere (A First-Week Math Projection For Upper Grades)

I am ever on the picket for only about novel first-week activities to create amongst my sixth degree math students. In add-on to "get to know you" activities, I similar to detect projects that are fun, math-related, in addition to motivating for students during those kickoff few weeks. One of these projects that I accept ever done during the kickoff calendar week of schoolhouse (but you lot could actually create whatsoever fourth dimension of the year) is my Math is Everywhere tile activity. Before the twelvemonth starts, I purchase only about white carte stock (or white-ish...this twelvemonth I got only about silver/metallic carte stock). I in addition to then cutting them into foursquare tiles. This twelvemonth I cutting them into tiles amongst v inch sides, but I intend I accept done 6x6 inward by years. Whatever industrial plant for you! I purpose a corner rounder from Target to circular of the corners of the tiles.  Here are the tiles in addition to the start of my illustration tile that I created to exhibit my students.

For the project, students must intend of a house that they run into or purpose math inward the existent world. I unremarkably brainstorm a listing every bit a class, in addition to and then students tin laissez passer notice either purpose 1 from the listing or intend of their ain topic! Once they guide a topic, they purpose a tile, pencil, ruler, in addition to colored pencils to exhibit how they run into math inward their topic. Being the baseball game fan that I am, I chose to brand my Math is Everywhere tile nearly how nosotros run into in addition to purpose math inward baseball. Below is my finished illustration tile!

*Tip: Many of my students who guide a sport desire to know the dimensions of the court, field, etc. Last year, I printed out sheets that had the dimensions to salvage the fourth dimension in addition to hassle of students looking them up!

Once the students are finished creating their tile, at that topographic point is 1 to a greater extent than step. On the dorsum of the tile, they must write at to the lowest degree iii sentences describing what they chose in addition to how math is seen inward their topic. Here is the illustration that I wrote for baseball.

Finally, 1 time all of the tiles are finished in addition to turned inward (don't forget names!), I set them all upwards on my bulletin board. I cutting out the words "Math is Everywhere" in addition to staple them inward the middle of the board, surrounding it amongst all of the finished tiles! Here is a shot of this year's tiles! I accept a few to a greater extent than yet to add, but it's already starting to come upwards together!

Update: I late posted the "Math is Everywhere" bulletin board letters for gratis inward my TpT store. Be certain to catch them at the next link! Also included inward the resources are letters that nation "Welcome to sixth Grade" that I purpose for my hallway bulletin board.

I am excited to link upwards this postal service amongst Miss Math Dork's awesome monthly Math IS Real Life link up! Click the link or motion-picture exhibit to run into another cracking ways nosotros run into math inward the existent world!

I am ever on the picket for only about novel kickoff Math is Everywhere (A First-Week Math Project for Upper Grades)