Math Action Thursday: 4.Md.A.1 (Measurement Units--Large To Small) & Thanksgiving Pb Giveaway

For today's MaTh I'm working amongst CCSS 4.MD.A.1!  It states...

Know relative sizes of mensuration units inside 1 organisation of units including km, m, cm; kg, g; lb, oz.; l, ml; hr, min, sec. Within a unmarried organisation of measurement, limited measurements inwards a larger unit of measurement inwards price of a smaller unit. Record mensuration equivalents inwards a two-column table. For example, know that 1 ft is 12 times equally long equally 1 in. Express the length of a iv ft serpent equally 48 in. Generate a conversion tabular array for feet in addition to inches listing the set out pairs (1, 12), (2, 24), (3, 36), ...

Maybe I am weird, but when I was a tyke I loved measuring things.  I'd mensurate stuff (I liked to sew together creations), blocks or pieces of woods in addition to then I could build it into something, or fifty-fifty structure newspaper (so that when I made my brownish luncheon handbag puppets, the newspaper wearing clothing would check but right).  Just for kicks, I remembered that I kept a span of those brownish newspaper handbag people I used to make.  I mean value I made these when I was vii or 8.

For this action it is expert for kids to practise using their rulers.  

Supplies:  At to the lowest degree 1 luncheon sack per student, enough of structure paper, pencil, scissors, glue, in addition to ruler.  Have a stopwatch if yous do the timing option.

  • Kids mensurate the segments of the sack they conception on roofing amongst structure newspaper in addition to tape it on a slice of paper.  For an extra bonus yous tin flame convey a stopwatch.
  • Start the stopwatch.  Using the at nowadays border of the ruler, depict the size needed in addition to cutting it out.
  • Glue on the piece.  Check the stopwatch in addition to tape the fourth dimension it took to do the base of operations of your puppet.
  • Start the stopwatch again.  Cut in addition to add together details of your choice.  Stop the stopwatch when yous are done.
I made the following freebie if yous wanted to do this activity.
I would honey to a greater extent than followers on my TpT in addition to TN sites if yous similar what yous run into : )

How do yous learn this Common Core standard?  I had a bunch of other ideas, but I gauge all the other ones volition convey to expression until unopen to other day.

You tin flame link upwards amongst whatsoever math postal service for
Thanks for visiting!

I had 1 affair to add.  A immature human being moving-picture exhibit mass author in addition to instructor has a giveaway of her mass Thanksgiving Rules.  You tin flame last into Laurie Friedman's giveaway HERE.  Good luck to those who enter!