One of my favorite ways to practise this is past times using a pose out line. I intend fifty-fifty 3 together with iv twelvemonth olds tin hit got fun amongst it.
Supplies needed are a pose out draw of piece of occupation (in my instructor shop I hit got a Lilly pad pose out line for $3 if you lot wanted a fun i to use), xx cards amongst the numbers 1-20, together with a mark of to a greater extent than or less kind to become to the indicate on the pose out draw of piece of occupation (I role a frog amongst my lilly pad pose out line).
Simply alternative a carte together with start counting up. If you lot desire you lot tin practise counting downward equally good : )
You tin play equally long equally you lot desire together with hit got turns. You tin fifty-fifty practise skip counting too!
What are your Kinders doing amongst math this fourth dimension of year?