Math Activities Alongside Clocks

Clocks are useful as well as the powerfulness to read an analog clock is a science many kids (and around adults) fighting with.  Today I'll hand around activities as well as things to produce amongst the 12-hour analog clock as well as the 24-hour clock.
  • Above is the 12-hour touchstone analog clock, assuming nosotros are using AM as well as PM times. (Thanks to French homeschooling website for the image).
    • Use the higher upwards icon to clit a sure enough time.
      • I conduct keep a postage similar this one where I made a retentiveness game.
      • Show what it agency to become clockwise as well as counter-clockwise.  (right as well as left, directions)
    • You tin hand the axe role the icon higher upwards every bit a pie graph to nautical chart the fourth dimension a tiddler plant on a chore or a describe of piece of job (For example: if a child reads for 10 minutes possess total inward a pie slice from 12-2).
    • Do a Google icon search of "analog clocks" as well as come across if you lot tin hand the axe read all the times.
    • You tin hand the axe speak virtually time zones as well as how dissimilar places inward the globe are at a subsequently or before fourth dimension than yourselves.
You tin hand the axe speak virtually 24-hour clocks.  There are 24 hours inward a solar daytime after all.  Many parts of the globe role the 24-hour time.
    • With either the 12-hour or 24-hour clock you lot tin hand the axe listing activities you lot are doing during sure enough times of the day.
      • Talk virtually schedules as well as length of activities that your favorite hobbies take...How long does a soccer game last?  Are at that spot breaks betwixt these sports--quarters, half-times? (You're talking virtually fractions as well as you lot in all probability don't fifty-fifty realize it.)
    • Did you lot know at that spot is around other way the 24-hour clock tin hand the axe live seen other than the analog as well as digital?  Have you lot heard of a binary clock?
I didn't know virtually them until my hubby got 1 every bit a Christmas present.  He showed me as well as the kids how to read it.  This is the best tutorial I constitute virtually it...    Watch "Binary Clock Tutorial" on YouTube
I approximate you lot tin hand the axe acquire the binary clock app for your smart outcry upwards too...
    • When learning virtually the binary clock at that spot is a skillful kids majority that describes what binary numbers are inward skillful detail.  It's...
    • You mightiness honor it inward your local library.  I constitute it real informative (although it may conduct keep a few days to become through amongst your tiddler or class).  It is a fascinating subject as well as may intrigue your immature educatee too.
What is your favorite clock type? Analog or digital?  Do you lot role a 24-hour clock?