If Danica Mckellar Tin Accept A Pair Minutes Out Of Her 24-Hour Interval To Retweet Almost My Book

If Danica McKellar tin move produce got a dyad minutes out of her twenty-four hours to retweet most my book, in addition to therefore tin move you!
I promise everyone is having a non bad International Pancake Day!  Please attention spread tidings most this fun, interactive mass for kids! It's the best of both worlds, instruction in addition to food! Link: http://kck.st/1Mj2922


Kickstarter Update For The Masses : )

Hey Everyone,

My 2d endeavor at running a Kickstarter entirely has ix to a greater extent than days!  : )  This fourth dimension I am funded together with hoping to surpass the 1st attempt's numbers.  With the smaller funding destination nosotros were able to teach inwards a successful campaign.

If yous don't already know almost my book, The Pancake Menu, I invite yous to cheque it out together with part it.

Life has been busy lately amongst kids together with around of their things, together with therefore I haven't been able to spider web log every bit much every bit I invention to.

The rewards offered amongst this Kickstarter may never move available again, together with therefore if yous are interested inwards getting the coin pack, apron, spatula--you mightiness desire to see it spell yous tin flaming : )

Thanks together with therefore much for next my publishing adventure.  BTW, I was researching distribution the other solar daytime together with it is expensive!  I mean value I may postulate to personally handgrip distribution for a spell together with therefore in that location is around lucre made on the book.  Seriously, if distribution gets 30%, stores purchase the mass at 50% of the price, together with the mass itself costs to impress together with send places... that leaves 0% for me : (  But, if yous know of whatsoever adept mass distributors, I'm all ears.

I promise yous convey a wonderful day!

Guest Weblog Shipping Service Amongst Corinne Jacob: Dissimilar & Fun Ways To Brand Your Child Beloved Math

Hello Everyone,
Today I accept Corinne from Alternate Tutelage sharing her ideas to brand math fun together with exciting for kids! 

Different & Fun Ways to Make your Child Love Math

Kids who cope amongst math oftentimes pass their entire academic lives thinking of math equally a horrible monster that volition never become away. Making such kids dear math tin live challenging, together with then I position together this listing of dissimilar fun ways to brand your pocket-sized autumn inwards dear math.
N is for Negative” yesteryear Angelia Sims, licensed nether CC BY SA 2.0

Math Activities

Whether it’s a hot summer’s afternoon, a long hold off at the dentist’s or a seemingly endless route trip, whatever fourth dimension is a nifty fourth dimension to larn math. Encourage your pocket-sized to explore the fascinating mathematical concepts that are institute inwards nature – shapes, sizes together with symmetry of leaves; counting the numbers together with kinds of trees inwards your street; learning the dissimilar shapes together with patterns inwards flowers – together with and then on. 
Your footling mathematician volition happily larn math if it is presented to him inwards the shape of fun activities. Identify the variety of activities he or she enjoys together with integrate math into it. For instance, if your pocket-sized loves to laid upward or bake, permit him mensurate the ingredients, count items together with gauge the amount of fourth dimension required to laid upward specific things.

Math Games

There are diverse kinds of games that indirectly aid kids larn to a greater extent than or less aspect of math. They are effective because your pocket-sized is to a greater extent than opened upward to learning when he’s having fun together with wants to locomote on doing whatever he’s doing. Math games come upward inwards dissimilar forms – board games, online math games, card games, video games, puzzles, active playground games, etc. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 well-designed math game allows players of all science levels to participate together with learn. They tin instruct novel concepts or permit kids practise previously learned concepts. Math games are your best friend if yous desire to brand the plain of written report interesting together with aid your pocket-sized lose their inhibitions when they've engaged uncomplicated or advanced mathematical tasks. Talk close motivation!

Math-themed Books

Share books together with stories that accept mathematical themes only are too proficient entertainment. Big Fat Hen by K. Baker, for instance, features a hen that lays eggs whose numbers become upward 2 until they accomplish a full of ten. Mrs.McTats together with her Houseful of Cats yesteryear A. Capucilli talks close how Mrs. McTats adopts cats inwards multiples until she has 25 cats inwards her house. D. A. Carter’s How Many Bugs inwards a Box is all close measurements. Once your pocket-sized starts enjoying math-themed stories, he volition live able to encounter the underlying math inwards whatever book, inwards add-on to developing a dear for reading.
Did these ideas operate for you? I’d dear to remove heed close your experiences amongst kids together with math!
Author Bio:  Corinne Jacob is a wannabe author who is convinced that kids larn best when they’re having fun. She is constantly on the sentinel for novel together with exciting ways to brand learning an enjoyable experience. Corinne loves all things that hollo out un-schooling, option instruction together with holistic learning.
* * * * * * * *
Thanks for your insights!  I can't hold off until my books come upward out together with then they tin live on your Math-themed majority list!  The Pancake Menu volition live coming out July 2015

I'm Going To Live On On Proficient Forenoon America!!!

Whoa!  I can't believe it... side yesteryear side calendar week I'll last on Good Morning America alongside my book--The Pancake Menu.

I ran the Kickstarter inward March in addition to a producer of Good Morning America contacted me terminal weekend if I'd desire to submit my production to last considered to last on a segment of Good Morning America where they bring a host of Shark Tank come upward on in addition to heed to 2 products pitches in addition to the shark says which 1 he (or she) would back.

It's official that I'll last going!  I'm so, SO excited (and a flake nervous at the same time)!

I'll crusade in addition to boot the bucket on y'all posted : )  In the hateful time, I got my mass sample from my printer in addition to we're adept to larn on production.  Books volition last inward my hands mid June, gear upward for the July release!

My Skilful Morning Time America Appearance As Well As Mass Update!

It's been a few weeks... I did keen on my brief segment on Good Morning America! Here is the segment inwards illustration y'all wanted to run into it : )
ABC News Videos | ABC Entertainment News  http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/video/shark-tank-life-products-kids-30553594.

Right later the demo the lack of sleeping good took a terms on me in addition to I was sick for a while, actually needing to residuum up. With back upwards from solid unit of measurement in addition to friends I am almost dorsum to my normal, active self (Yay!!!).  I am thence excited most my mass coming out!

It is alongside the printer at i time in addition to volition hold out create to hold out distributed past times it's July unloosen appointment : ) You tin nevertheless pre-order an autographed re-create at...
 I did keen on my brief segment on Good Morning America My Good Morning America appearance in addition to mass update!
Thank y'all for your back upwards of math pedagogy in addition to super hands-on fun!

I create post updates of the mass on my Kickstarter page.  Thanks for next along my exciting publishing journey! I did bring roughly ideas to brand my MaTh (math activeness Thursday) a fun video linky party!  Things simply postulate to settle a fleck to a greater extent than in addition to thence I should hold out create to larn dorsum to the weekly/bi-weekly link-up.

Take tending everyone!

Meeting In Addition To Thanking Reading Rainbow's Levar Burton!

A calendar week earlier going on Good Morning America I was at the LA Times Festival of Books at USC in addition to I got to accept a lot of fun, catch some corking books, in addition to encounter LeVar Burton (from Reading Rainbow, Star Trek, in addition to more!).

It was a corking day...
 It was at the University of Southern California campus, which I'm really familiar with... Like I mentioned, I got to encounter some amazing authors/illustrators in addition to other corking people.  Here is Travis Hanson, writer & illustrator, who runs Bean Leaf Press

I walked roughly much of the solar daytime checking out the booths in addition to telling some of the friends of mine I saw that solar daytime close the exciting intelligence close going on GMA inward close a week.

LeVar Burton had a lecture hall amount of people to catch him verbalize in addition to I was really impressed amongst his book.  He has a corking mental attitude in addition to his kindness in addition to genuineness was prissy to see.  I met a fun in addition to every-so-kind friend that day.  We happened to sit down side yesteryear side to each other inward the lecture hall in addition to she liked my majority cover.  I told her close my majority in addition to nosotros were presently corking buddies : )  Funny how that happens sometimes, just Karla was in addition to then awesome!  She's been a big fan of Reading Rainbow since she was little; much similar most of the crowd.

She fifty-fifty took this niggling video of me when I went upward to say LeVar "Thank y'all for running his Kickstarter because..." (I didn't know she was going to cinema it, just form of cool that she was in addition to then sugariness to create that.)

Then outside, Karla in addition to I tag-teamed the lines--I bought 2 books at the bookstore booth, 1 for each of us, spell she waiting inward the signing line.  It was fun in addition to when it became my fourth dimension to briefly larn my majority signed LeVar congratulated me over again close the GMA segment.  He said, "Getting on national television set is HUGE!"  I agree!  I'm in addition to then happy I could give thank y'all him in addition to exhibit him my book!
Fun to larn these pictures likewise : ) Our books... come upward to life amongst great Kickstarter backers : )

Right afterwards that I went to attempt out in addition to shipping my majority off to NY since they wanted the majority ASAP, just it didn't operate out just since they needed the majority yesteryear Tuesday morning time in addition to concluding pickup was a brace hours previous to my attempted drib off that Saturday.

Thanks for reading!

5 Fun Ways To Learn Your Child Close Patterns

​By: Aradhana Pandey

The minds of footling kids are ever on a bespeak to acquire novel things. The teachings together with values that you lot impart to your kid during his formative years are jump to rest amongst him for a lifetime. The stronger the foundation that you lot laid upwards for your kid today, the to a greater extent than enriched his futurity volition be.

This also holds truthful equally far equally academics are concerned. The to a greater extent than streamlined your approach towards introducing your kid to the alphabet, the meliorate his agreement of languages volition be!

Similarly, when it comes to mathematics, i of the best tools to heighten his agreement of many concepts similar algebra together with strange together with fifty-fifty numbers is through patterns. Here are 5 fun ways you lot tin forcefulness out instruct your kid nearly patterns:

1. Creating Patterned Jewelry – If you lot convey a footling girl, she is certainly going to honey this activity! It offers an first-class fusion of the elements of learning together with fun together! Not alone does this activeness make your kid an agreement of patterns only also colors. It fifty-fifty aids inwards the evolution of their fine motor skills.

Supplies Required:
  • Beads/Fruit Loops inwards 2-3 colors
  • Thread
  • Let your kid detect you lot set the commencement two-three beads/Fruit Loops inwards a thread inwards the blueprint AB, AB or ABC, ABC
  • Let him consummate making the balance of the necklace or bracelet past times next the same blueprint throughout
2. Coloring And Creating Patterns – Does your kid appear to endure sitting bored on a sunny afternoon? Let him instead, indulge inwards a mentally stimulating activeness that’s also extremely enjoyable! While he enjoys doing what he loves best (coloring), he volition also improve his concentration levels together with agreement nearly patterns.

Supplies Required:
  • Three sets of cutouts of dissimilar shaped coloring pages
  • Crayons
  • Let your kid color each of the 3 sets of the shape coloring page cutouts using dissimilar colors
  • Place i laid upwards of the shape cutouts inwards the lodge ABC, ABC together with enquire your kid to house the remaining 2 sets inwards the same lodge land identifying each cutout’s shape together with color 

3. Making Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Patterned Banner – Party inwards the house? It’s the perfect fourth dimension for you lot to assay this patterned banner making activeness amongst your child! There’s goose egg meliorate than enjoying the festive spirit amongst a footling chip of learning, is there?

Supplies Required: Decorative papers – 3 dissimilar sets
  • Scissors
  • Thread
  • Cut the decorative papers into pocket-sized triangles
  • Start gluing the triangles of dissimilar colors inwards the blueprint AABBCC, AABBCC i past times one, on the thread
  • Ask your kid to proceed to gum the remaining triangles, next the same blueprint you lot made
4. Stamping – Stamping is i of the most exciting ways to instruct your kid nearly patterns. You tin forcefulness out role everything from fruits, veggies, flowers to tiny buttons to practise patterns. What’s meliorate is that stamping also helps hone your child’s artistic flair!

Supplies Required:
  • Non-toxic paints
  • A Irish Gaelic patato together with an apple
  • White canvas of paper
  • Cut a pocket-sized Irish Gaelic patato together with an apple
  • Ask your kid to dip the cutting Irish Gaelic patato together with apple tree into 2 dissimilar colored paints
  • Now allow him postage the Irish Gaelic patato together with apple tree inwards a sequence, making the AB, AB pattern
5. Creating Lego Patterns – Is your footling i a Lego architect? Well then, this activeness is certain to endure a definite hitting amongst him! Use tiny Lego blocks to make your kid an uncomplicated agreement of patterns.

Supplies Required:
  • Lego blocks together with characters
  • Arrange a few Lego blocks inwards the ABCD, ABCD pattern
  • Ask your kid to house the remaining blocks inwards the same order
We’re certain that your kid volition convey fun amongst these activities equally much equally he’ll acquire nearly patterns! Do allow us know which of these activities he liked best inwards the comments section!
* * * * * * * * *
Author Bio
Aradhana is from India. She is a veteran author on topics concerning parenting, kid nutrition, wellness, wellness together with lifestyle. As a regular contributor to pop sites similar Huffington Post, Natural news, Elephant journal, Thehealthsite, Naturally Savvy, Curejoy together with MomJunction.com.  Aradhana writes to inspire together with motivate people to adopt salubrious habits together with alive a stress-free lifestyle.

Thanks for your insights Aradhana!  I know my immature lady enjoyed playing patterns amongst Kid K'Nex
 The minds of footling kids are ever on a bespeak to acquire novel things 5 Fun Ways To Teach Your Child About PatternsThank you lot for visiting today!

$25,000 For A Cool Hands-On Math Activity!!! Hurry, Applications Due May 26Th.

Hey teachers!

Doing interrogation for my majority in addition to potential places for it to survive sold I came across MoMath (The Museum of Mathematics) inwards New York in addition to they convey an awesome challenger for teachers!

You tin win $25,000 for your submission of a fun, hands-on math activity.  I convey i I desire to submit, simply since I am non education at a schoolhouse at a instant I can't enter.  If anyone wants to learn inwards on an application alongside me I'd dearest it!

If yous convey a bully hands-on math activeness for quaternary through eighth graders I intend everyone should enter! Good luck!

Making Math Fun Alongside Iii Unproblematic Tactics!

Today I accept Ivana Craft doing a invitee post.  Thanks for your 3 tardily tactics to brand math fun for kids!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
Let's hold out honest hither - many kids abhor math. They honor it tedious, boring, tiresome... yous advert it. The biggest work they accept amongst math is that they don't empathise it as well as lose involvement quickly. Once they lose interest, it's all downhill from there. Now, the commutation to fixing this is keeping them entertained. As a immature lady working amongst kids, I tin country yous that this is non ever easy. Things are definitely harder inward populace schools, where there's exclusively ane of yous as well as a classroom total of students. Since I mainly function equally a mortal tutor, things accept been relatively tardily for me, but fifty-fifty I had to come upwardly up amongst creative ideas to tumble out kids interested as well as entertained.

Here are a few tried as well as tested ways to brand learning math fun as well as some advantages of homeschooling over the traditional populace schoolhouse system.

Try fun activities

First matter to tumble out inward demand heed hither is that you're going to know the kid you're tutoring much amend than a instructor would know their students inward a populace schoolhouse classroom. This, of course, comes amongst a laid of advantages. As yous acquire to know your kid better, yous start agreement what they like. If they similar cooking, for example, yous tin come upwardly up amongst a math activeness where yous only accept the kid mensurate ingredients, add together as well as subtract the amounts of flour, water, sugar, etc. Also, plough a irksome math query into something to a greater extent than interesting past times adding characters inward the mix, preferably ones from cartoons or video games they like.

Math games

Sometimes the best way to learn a kid math is to fox them into non knowing they're truly learning. There are a lot of online math games, carte games, board games or fifty-fifty puzzles yous tin tumble out nearby and, if the kid is non feeling similar learning math, play those instead. They'll recollect they're exactly having fun, but they'll hold out learning without fifty-fifty knowing so. The tutoring way of teaching is at an wages hither because yous tin exactly play amongst kids, without a rigorous programme hanging over your head.

Be their friend

The work amongst populace schools is that at that topographic point is a whole bunch of kids crammed into a tiny classroom. Sometimes, that surroundings is stressful non exclusively for the teacher, but for the children equally well. In a crowd, shy kids tend to hold out afraid to enquire for aid when they don't empathise something. Tutoring home-schooled kids way having unremarkably ane to 2 kids to function with, as well as therefore there's less pressure. Be their friend, brand them experience unafraid to enquire questions as well as verbalize their mind. If they recollect of yous equally a friend, they won't hold out shy to enquire questions they would otherwise experience are unimportant or silly.

In the end, it's your undivided attending as well as inventiveness that volition relieve the day. Use these newly institute skills as well as exhibit kids that math is non something to hold out feared, but quite the contrary - an interesting as well as fun activeness through which they larn novel things nigh the Blue Planet or as well as therefore them.
* * * * * * 
Great!  These are pretty demand forward, but adept reminders for parents as well as teachers.  My kids dear Origami! Thanks for your insights Ivana!

How Long Produce Posts In Addition To Figurer Things Induce Got You?

Sometimes I am then surprised how long a unproblematic word update or spider web log takes to type, format, as well as transportation out!

This morning time I gear upwardly out amongst a unproblematic task--send out my MailChimp newsletter.  That infant took over an hr to teach right.  I mean value I induce got gotten a flake faster at making a post, precisely wow... making things takes then much time.

The other hateful solar daytime I went to a Social Media seminar that helps you lot streamline social media.  You know, Facebook, Twitter, blogs, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram... there's a huge listing now.  I induce got about of mine linked, precisely who can't improve, right?

Anyway, if you'd similar to come across my monthly update that went out this is the link, as well as you lot tin plough over the axe sign upwardly to teach it inwards your really ain e-mail box past times signing upwardly at the correct : )

Have a prissy weekend everyone!

Books Are Hither In Addition To Right Away On Amazon!

Hey everyone--Happy fourth of July!

I accept non bad news!!! The Pancake Menu mass shipment is inwards in addition to at 1 time on Amazon!  I'd dear for y'all to portion it in addition to reckon getting your re-create today!
   Although if y'all desire a signed re-create y'all tin social club straight from me on kidsmenubooks.com : )

 Here is firsthand what it is similar to become a shipment of K books, in addition to they are beautiful over-sized books similar this...
H5N1 friend did wrote upward a non bad article on the mass HERE on Medium.

Take care!

Book Launch In Addition To Opened Upwardly To Your Ideas...

I experience similar I'm inwards a chip of a slump... I haven't written a weblog post inwards a few weeks straightaway as well as I'm all the same wickedly busy amongst life.

Here is closed to of what's been going on...

  • The Pancake Menu is straightaway on Amazon!  Yay!  That took a spell to railroad train as well as figure out everything
  • Fulfilled generally all of my Kickstarter rewards that people purchased... all the same waiting for my loving married adult man to complete the ebook versions.
  • I've submitted the mass for a newer mass laurels called the Mathical Award past times Children's Book Council & MSRI (Mathematical Sciences Research Institute).
  • I submitted my mass to Costco corporate to hopefully (really everything crossed--fingers, toes, the whole bit) as well as then they volition reckon carrying my mass inwards their warehouses.
  • Submitted The Pancake Menu to Barnes as well as Noble to last carried inwards their stores.
  • Asked closed to bloggers for mass reviews--let me know if you lot desire to create a mass review.
  • Submitted my mass to Timberdoodle--a homeschooling provide site.
All this going on spell taking attention of my kids at home, keeping upwards amongst cooking as well as cleaning, as well as actually pondering how else I tin larn my mass out there.  Here are closed to of my ideas...
  • Email homeschooling groups--I could percentage my friend's awesome writeup article she did for my launch
  • Set upwards schoolhouse visits amongst local uncomplicated schools.
  • Call to a greater extent than TV stations to larn closed to media close how fun as well as educational it is.
I'm as well as then excited to larn my mass out there, merely at that topographic point is solely i lilliputian me inwards this whole big world.  Do you lot bring whatever ideas for me?  Do you lot bring a homeschooling grouping that would dear the book?  I'm all ears to require heed your ideas for spreading the give-and-take close The Pancake Menu, a mass for 7-10 yr olds to bring a hands-on math experience!


Why Is House Value Then Of Import Together With How Tin Ane Learn It?

According to this Education.com article entitled The Impact of Place Value on Mathematics it states "Place value is maybe the close telephone substitution concept imbedded inwards the uncomplicated in addition to middle schoolhouse mathematics curriculum."  and why?  Because everything inwards computation hinges on it!

About 2 years agone I made a TpT/TN printable 32 page children's mass to help teachers alongside this real champaign of written report of house value. (you tin post away subscribe to my YouTube channel also : ))  Here is a reading of it...

If that wasn't plenty for that production I also made only about associated flash cards that larn along alongside the book...

I gave a shortened freebie version, but I also accept the whole pack of 1-100 cards alongside four versions.  You larn 48 pages of cards...

  • 1-100 cards inwards B&W alongside numbers
  • 1-100 cards inwards B&W without numbers
  • 1-100 cards inwards color alongside numbers
  • 1-100 cards inwards color without numbers

With these cards yous tin post away produce numerous games in addition to activities!  It is slow for kids to visualize alongside oranges instead of the normal manipulative of picayune blocks in addition to sticks.

I only felt similar revisiting these products because alongside the maiden off of the schoolhouse twelvemonth I know a lot of teachers could actually role these products!  Take care!

When did/does schoolhouse maiden off for you?

Awesome Posts: 1 Majority Review & 1 Invitee Post Service + Supriseride.Com

Hello everyone,

I promise everyone is enjoying the dorsum to schoolhouse season!  I was thus excited to read this fun review post of i instructor who used The Pancake Menu inwards her third degree classroom!  Thanks Julie at Math is Elementary!

She fifty-fifty made pancakes for the students!  What a groovy teacher!  You should actually acquire cheque out her pictures as well as fun post.

Actually, since I bring the books my kids bring been having me read The Pancake Menu to them as well as my daughter's favorite is making rainbow pump pancakes!

Also, yesterday I was a invitee at a swain children's writer's blog: AJ Cosmo!  The post is here: Media, Kickstarter, as well as Pancakes!

If you lot haven't aready seen the segment when I was on Good Morning America, you lot should acquire cheque it out on AJ's spider web log post : )

I've too been gearing upwards to see schools to a greater extent than or less my surface area as well as making the coin packets!

Oh, too I lastly looked upwards Surpriseride.com from Kevin O'Leary mentioning it on my GMA segment.  It is an awesome subscription service for 6-11 twelvemonth former hands-on learning activities.  I idea I powerfulness live able to brand a spider web log post for them as well as thus I thought: it would live actually cool if my mass came inwards i of their monthly boxes! So I bring an e-mail into them.  I'm actually thinking of getting the service for my younger 3 kids who I intend would actually relish the fun activities.

Sorry for beingness all over the house alongside today's post--lots going on.  Have a groovy task hateful solar daytime weekend!

Author Visits At School--Does Anyone Convey Them?

Hey everyone!

It has been a busy calendar week calling in addition to connecting amongst local schoolhouse districts in addition to principals close me in addition to thence I tin shipping away come upward create an writer see to the classrooms, read my book, in addition to create a piffling hands-on math activeness amongst it.  The entirely problem I lead maintain is... non many are getting dorsum to me.

Do yous lead maintain writer visits at your school?  When I telephone phone the schools it seems that many of them lead maintain non in addition to to a greater extent than or less are non interested.  I am thinking I volition quest to become to the schools in addition to thence they tin shipping away catch how educational in addition to what a slap-up resources it could live for the kids.  Here's a piffling video I did in addition to thence people tin shipping away catch what the hardcover volume looks like.

This is my electronic mail to the principals of specific schools...

Hello Principal ...., 

I lead maintain a wonderful, novel volume called The Pancake Menu which gives children the chance to practise math skills equally they play restaurant, at abode or inward the classroom.  They consummate sales in addition to brand alter using play Menu Money in addition to it aligns good amongst many Common Core Standards.

Being a swain educator (BS Degree inward El Ed 2000 from BYU) I would honey to come upward into your schoolhouse in addition to create a few 20-25 infinitesimal presentations/activities inward your tertiary in addition to quaternary bird classrooms.  It tin shipping away live extended to sec in addition to fifth equally well, simply tertiary in addition to quaternary is the target.  

About a calendar week earlier my see I would similar to shipping out an lodge cast if the parents of the students would similar to buy an autographed re-create for their student, in addition to on the twenty-four hr menstruum of the presentation I would give the purchased books to the teachers for the children to lead maintain home.  During the presentation I would loan books for the kids to role for the activity.

I would live happy to come upward encounter amongst yous to farther hash out this in addition to demo yous the volume in addition to play money.  There are a handful of reviews on Amazon and the volume website is www.kidsmenubooks.com.  I would besides live happy to offering your schoolhouse 10% dorsum of all sales to your PTA.

Thank yous for your fourth dimension in addition to I hold back forwards to speaking amongst you!


Lucy Ravitch
(phone number)

So far, I haven't heard dorsum from them, simply it may live that schoolhouse is withal getting dorsum into the swing of things or that my electronic mail got mixed upward amongst the majority of other junk emails principals receive.

If whatever schoolhouse wants a visit, I besides create virtual visits where nosotros tin shipping away create a video conference telephone phone on Google Hangouts or Skype.

In other news, I lastly signed onto Goodreads.com!  I volition live running a giveaway starting adjacent Th that volition run for 1 month.  Ten lucky winners tin shipping away larn a hardcover book!  I'll post close it 1 time it is live.

Take care!  I'd honey to take away heed if your schoolhouse has always had an writer visit. Thanks!

Goodreads Giveaway! Opened Upwards For 1 Calendar Month Only. Come Inwards Today!

Hey everyone!

The Goodreads.com giveaway for The Pancake Menu is nether way!  Please part amongst friends in addition to associates then yous tin dismiss hold upward i of the lucky 10 who larn a beautiful hardcover re-create of the book!  Enter here: https://www.goodreads.com/giveaway/show/154680 before midnight on Oct 17th!

Thanks for your support!

Have You Lot Idea Of Writing Children's Book? Gratis Ebook In Addition To Listing Of Organizations & Websites!

Hello Teachers together with Educators!

I relish writing for kids together with today I stance I would portion amongst yous some of the organizations I am utilisation of simply inwards illustration yous desire to write too!  I set inwards some swell websites also : )

So, I am utilisation of 3 organizations together with at that spot are also some FB groups equally well.  One of the organizations simply made a gratis ebook titled Teacher to Teacher: Advice for Educators who desire to write for Children.  You tin respect my advice on page 22 : )

Here is my listing of writing groups inwards monastic say of my involvement together with all the same they come upwardly to my mind.
Children's Book Writers of Los Angeles is a grouping close together with honey to my pump since my friend founded it v years ago.  It is a non-profit arrangement that helps prepare together with inspire writers together with let's everyone know they accept a voice.  Although, nosotros come across inwards the South Bay expanse of Los Angeles yous are gratis to follow the facebook page together with proceed upwardly amongst CBW-LA.org's official newspaper--Scribbler's Scoop (lots of expert insights)!

Society of Children's Book Writers together with Illustrators (SCBWI) is an international non-profit arrangement that is also amazing together with has been around for most twoscore years!  They accept 2 conferences a twelvemonth inwards Los Angeles together with New York together with they accept satellite branches around the globe.  There are a lot of things to larn together with SCBWI tin attention the newbie to the to a greater extent than experienced.  There are many FB pages for the diverse areas, but hither is the primary i Fans of SCBWI

Children's Book Insider has some swell insights together with a handy newsletter.  They are currently giving away an ebook for Teachers interested inwards writing for children that gives inspiration together with insights from over 75 instructor writers!

KidLit411.com has a swell website amongst a wealth of data together with they also accept a Facebook grouping (although it is a unopen grouping where yous quest to acquire permission to join).

KidLit.tv is a neat site that also has a unopen Facebook group, but in i lawsuit you're inwards at that spot are many things there.  The website is helpful together with has swell videos!

Here are also some sites that are swell to know about...

  • Picturebookmonth.com has PiBoIdMo (Picture Book Idea Month--every November, xxx ideas for xxx motion-picture demonstrate books)
  • 12x12challenge.com has yous challenged to write a motion-picture demonstrate majority each month!
  • Inkygirl.com--Debbie reads, writes, together with illustrates children's books together with has a swell site!
  • Taralazar.com--Another swell author spider web log amongst tons of information!
together with best website for information on literary agents...
Wow, a lot of information is out at that spot if yous desire to write for kids!  Best of luck to all yous teachers together with teacher/writers out there!

What 1 Woman Rear Experienced Later On Discovering Her Fry Was Suffering From Dyscalculia (A Math Disability)

Let me innovate Zyana Morris, a passionate blogger who loves to write on disciplines such every bit wellness attention in addition to lifestyle.  She is a featured author at diverse blogs in addition to a staff author at Centracare.org, a Tampa urgent attention provider.  She reached out to me in addition to wanted to percentage her storey near her boy in addition to Dyscalculia.  Here is her story, which she hopes volition assist others.
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Seven years agone was the fourth dimension when I started hearing from John’s teachers that he is non behaving similar other children, that he is non able to decease on upwards amongst other children, that something mightiness last bothering him due to which he is non able to concentrate, that math seemed to last the worst ghost ever that existed inwards his world! Not exclusively there, but when I used to sit down amongst him to brand him consummate his homework, I could only experience that something was non working right. Yes, my kid was non beingness able to selection basic mathematical concepts. He actually could not. I eventually took him to the doctors for a thorough cheque upwards in addition to what triggered me was proven to last right! Some disability…
I constitute out that my kid was suffering from math disability, inwards complex damage “Dyscalculia”, an number that causes severe difficulties inwards learning mathematics. I felt null to a greater extent than than shattered in addition to broken completely.
4-6% children endure from this math disability. The ratio seems likewise picayune to last negligible, but who would fifty-fifty imagine that the immature ones yous attention for everyday would last caught past times it? I wondered what he or I did incorrect that he became the 1 to suffer.
I think when I was young, I had to confront for certain uncertainties inwards life that led me to severe depression, but I was glad that afterward years of struggling I was able to assist myself, stand upwards up in addition to alive life again. I did non desire my kid to decease through the same, the argue though beingness different. This was the fourth dimension when I felt a picayune contented near what I went through, in addition to I did non desire my kid to endure in addition to react the same way.
There was no 1 inwards the theatre unit of measurement I could recall having such issues to believe that it was hereditary. It broke me fifty-fifty to a greater extent than when I constitute out it has happened due to encephalon evolution issues. At that moment, the exclusively words that kept triggering my hear were, “I want I could donate math noesis to my child, he is agency likewise precious to me... I exclusively wished I could.”
Since it was the fourth dimension of his life where a kid is encouraged to report (being the most of import stage of life), what I wanted to brand him larn was that grades don’t matter. I never wanted him to stand upwards out inwards schoolhouse to, but to larn in addition to empathise the concepts well. Furthermore, I decided to accept assist to an educational psychologist. She beingness a professional person knew evidently much to a greater extent than than me. She took tests in addition to evaluated John’s status in addition to confirmed that he has math disability. I was disheartened but she was a smashing back upwards for me in addition to John, in addition to would come upwards to assist him amongst this situation. She taught me how to bargain amongst John's situation. The exclusively thing I kept inwards hear was consistency, confidence in addition to non to lose hope.
By keeping notes of what I figured out was bothering him helped me in addition to John to acquire encouraged, in addition to to function on his weaknesses. These notes were e'er helpful to remind me what should last focused on inwards particular, in addition to function on accordingly.
Thanks to his teachers who own got been real cooperative in addition to agreement to what my kid was going through. Their assist in addition to back upwards has been a smashing contribution for him, to plough his math disability to an powerfulness to produce math. When I felt my earth would autumn apart, I got back upwards from his teachers in addition to psychologist.
I asked John to exercise inwards forepart of me, evidently keeping inwards hear that he doesn’t experience burdened. Practice in addition to drilling (with patience inwards mind) helped him a lot to acquire ameliorate on his weaknesses. Whenever I could, I tried that he mingle amongst his grouping mates in addition to don’t experience left out. Even though that’s a hard thing for such children, but I e'er encouraged him that he could produce it.
Problems in addition to complicated situations, 1 afterward the other, kept haunting my hear in addition to what I could run into inwards the time to come was exclusively the weather condition related to the math disability (i.e. medical weather condition that co-exists amongst it similar ADHD in addition to dyslexia). This happened during the fourth dimension I started reading near dyscalculia in addition to that if I could percentage my experiences on the internet.
All the extra fourth dimension given to my kid at schoolhouse was actually worth the help. Children usually panic when it’s fourth dimension to mitt over their examination papers to their teachers in addition to when they know they yet own got a picayune left to complete. For my kid these normal weather condition that children confront were non fifty-fifty real. He needed fourth dimension to understand, empathise other things that were ordinarily understood to a greater extent than easily past times other children. This led a fearfulness inwards me that my child, non beingness able to explain, mightiness lose self-esteem in addition to confidence in addition to consider himself odd amid his peers. I was also worried every bit whatever other nurture may be.  I did non desire my kid to experience special inwards whatever way. I wanted him to rest amongst other children, report amid them, in addition to acquire along amongst them. All cheers to his teacher’s patience in addition to support, she helped me educate confidence inwards myself too. I was able to assist my kid amongst an fifty-fifty to a greater extent than positive attitude.
Here is what I learned near the signs in addition to symptoms that my kid suffered through in addition to what I learned over the meshwork to assist my kid overcome it. I promise yous all volition honor it useful to analyze if yous experience that there’s something incorrect amongst your child.
  • Children facing a math disability are non able to empathise in addition to memorize basic mathematical concepts in addition to computations. (I own got seen John suffering from this.)
  • They mightiness experience overburdened spell solving questions that include multiple steps in addition to agreement reasonable methods. (It was real depressing seeing John getting demotivated over such a picayune thing.)
  • Long worksheets mightiness also brand them experience burdened every bit they lack the capacity of remembering in addition to treatment mathematical operations. (Worksheets amongst a lot of function e'er scared John.)
  • Counting becomes a problem for them in addition to they cannot recognize in addition to relate the number symbols in addition to words. (The initial times were hard for John to count the numbers, fifty-fifty from 1 -10.)
  • Solving discussion problems becomes a smashing occupation sometimes. They are non able to selection what’s of import in addition to how it needs to last solved. Verbal explanations usually produce non function every bit they are non able to follow in addition to recall. (During those times, John was actually non able to function over them.)
  • Some children amongst a math disability mightiness non last able to speak, read in addition to write properly. They aren’t able to follow the directions or write correctly inwards at nowadays lines or columns. (He was given graph papers to solve things which also led him to larn in addition to write on the lines.)
  • Children amongst a math disability confront difficulties recognizing shapes, their dimensions, graphs in addition to charts. (We trusted in addition to supported John in addition to made him exercise learning through drawings, newspaper crafts in addition to solid objects to recognize them.)
  • Activities that require speed in addition to distance are usually avoided past times them. They lack confidence inwards it in addition to are usually non able to care upwards amongst others inwards this regard. (I e'er encouraged John to decease on trying fifty-fifty if he is working slow.)
It’s been 7 years now.  Today I am actually glad that John has been able to encompass upwards his disabilities in addition to he is working quite good inwards mathematics. I am hopeful that these hindrances volition non come upwards inwards his time to come in addition to fifty-fifty if they do, I volition e'er function harder than ever to aid him to overcome them.
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Thank yous for sharing your experiences Zyana.  I know life tin last hard, but when nosotros are able to acquire assist when nosotros demand it, it is quite a blessing.

Now I'm Reviewing Books, Link To The Review For This Is Non A Math Book

Hey everyone!

I've had a proficient sum of things happening lately.  I went to a local SCBWI upshot inwards Orange County called Editors Day in addition to I met Ronna.  She has a nifty children's mass review site called GoodReadswithRonna.com that she started years ago.  I mentioned to her almost my mass in addition to showed her The Pancake Menu, but she said she doesn't review independent books but if I wanted to post a review I tin make the sack pose my bio in addition to links there.

I idea that would move great, at starting fourth dimension thinking I would merely review once.  Then I constitute out she would honey to bring individual to become over math related books that come upwards her way--so instantly I am a mass reviewer too!

Here is the link to my starting fourth dimension review: http://www.goodreadswithronna.com/2015/10/15/this-is-not-a-math-book-by-anna-weltman/

The publisher, Kane Miller, does non pose their books on Amazon but in that place is a link to purchase it inwards the review straight from Usborne (which Kane Miller is the imprint of).

It was fun to review in addition to I hold back forwards to seeing what other math related books come upwards out.  I mightiness also move doing or in addition to then crafting in addition to cooking ones equally good equally a few books I mean value my piffling kids mightiness like.

Oh, in addition to inwards other news--I am going to move selling my mass at a local Elementary School mass fair inwards almost 3 weeks!  It is inwards connecter amongst Skylight Books located inwards Los Angeles.  I'm super excited to bring my mass inwards their store!

Barnes & Noble Wants My Book, But...

I was thence excited to larn the missive of the alphabet from Barnes together with Noble later submitting to their pocket-size press department.  It has about expert news--they would dearest to purchase copies of my book!  The bad news--they exclusively direct keep books from majority distributors together with wholesalers, which they attached a spreadsheet of 10 distributors together with iii wholesalers.

Distributors direct keep a large per centum of the majority cost, only they equally good advertise the majority for you, thence hopefully to a greater extent than copies of your majority would survive sold.  Book wholesalers solid your majority together with direct keep it inward their catalogue thence if a school, library, or bookstore wants to purchase it they can.

Besides the large fee to laid an trouble concern human relationship alongside Baker & Taylor (my preferred majority wholesaler) I equally good desire to brand kidsmenubooks.com await to a greater extent than professional.  I decided to run about other crowdfunding campaign!  Hence you lot volition run across the crusade inward the upper correct : ).

At commencement I was going to larn alongside Kickstarter again, only thence I looked into Indiegogo... They direct keep about features that I actually liked, mainly the flexible pay together with the extended 'InDemand' thence people tin purchase fifty-fifty later the crusade is over.

So hither it is... http://igg.me/at/thepancakemenu

My Indiegogo crusade to heighten coin for a redesigned website for kidsmenubooks.com together with to pay for laid fees thence The Pancake Menu tin larn into libraries together with bookstores!

Please considering supporting past times purchasing a majority for
  • You, your kids or grand-kids
  • Other solid unit of measurement members
  • Your local uncomplicated school
  • Your uncomplicated schoolhouse you lot attended equally a child
  • Anyone who has kids ages 6-11!