Guest Blogger From Digiblock.Com: House Value Too Division

I'm happy to welcome beau instructor Avery Stern at Digi Block. She has unopen to autumn activities as well as groovy partitioning tips as y'all learn your students!

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What’s More American Than Apple Pie as well as Fair Shares?

In the words of a soft-rock vocalizer “When autumn comes, it doesn’t ask, it precisely walks inwards where it left y'all last,” as well as autumn, has marched right inwards amongst all things pumpkin, apple, knitted, as well as spooky. It tin give notice also live a fourth dimension for classroom cooking as well as grouping activities - as well as thence what ameliorate fourth dimension that to get-go introducing the daunting partitioning unit of measurement than through fun, autumnal themed lessons?

One of the things nosotros actually similar to emphasize hither at Digi-Block is the persuasion of self-discovery. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 way of increasing the likelihood of pupil appointment as well as excitement is past times introducing this lesson without fifty-fifty whispering the D word; Donuts? Dragon-tales? Dasypoedes? Division.

To immature students, partitioning tin give notice oft look similar the no-good-very-bad-fourth blood brother of math...But I quite similar division...and it’s an undeniably necessary skill. So let’s learn that D discussion inwards the most useful way possible - existent life scenarios.  

Here are two, introductory activities for Secret Division using our favorite math manipulative, the Digi-Block!

Dividing the Pie

In this activity students will:

  • Use the blocks to decide how to brand fair shares of a known quantity                                                                   

  • Materials: Digi-Block of 1000, or other manipulative ie. pennies, counters, etc. as well as worksheet

Introduction: You’ve gone apple tree or pumpkin, or olfactory organ picking; let’s purpose Digi-Blocks to educate a telephone commutation agreement of “giving everyone a fair share.”

Instruction: Say y'all lead maintain 15 students inwards a class, as well as you’ve picked 240 apples - We’ll purpose Digi-Blocks as our rot-free substitute. How neat as well as clean! ... Like our hands earlier nosotros get-go dolling out ripe produce.

Have your students predict how many apples, (pumpkins, boogers, or blocks), each nestling volition learn depending on the amount they collect.

Have your students brainstorm how to as distribute the goods. They may get-go past times handing each individual i at a time. Thats OKAY! Let them tediously operate out the problem.

Now lead maintain students pack the blocks into tens as well as hundreds.

Questions to Ask:

Can each pupil have a total block of 100?

Can each pupil have a block of 10?

How many unmarried blocks volition each pupil receive?

Were at that spot whatever leftovers?

Did y'all lead maintain to unpack the blocks to fairly distribute them?

Do y'all retrieve at that spot are times nosotros won’t live able to fairly distribute the apples? (If students are at a indicate of extended thinking)
ex answer: “When nosotros modify the release of apples or nosotros modify the release of people.”

Hmmmmmm. Tricky.

  • Try the lesson amongst each grouping using dissimilar forms of 100. Ex. Loose unmarried blocks, tens blocks, or pre-packed 100 blocks as well as remainder. Have students hash out what was easier.

Ask: Why was i way easier than the other? ie. the base of operations 10 release organization bundles upwards units as well as thence that nosotros don’t lead maintain to individually count.

  • give unopen to groups apples that volition as percentage out as well as lead maintain others that volition leave of absence them amongst a remainder. Can students regain similarities as well as differences inwards partitioning problems that leave of absence remainders. Do the problems out amongst the blocks.

Pumpkin Carving as well as All that Leftover Gunk:

Introducing the balance as well as peaking pupil curiosity.  

In this activity students will:

- Learn almost remainders through self-discovery as well as real-life work solving.

  • Materials: Digi-Block of 1000, or other manipulative ie. pennies, counters, etc.
  • An array mat (print out attached).

Instruction: You tin give notice get past times breaking your classroom into fifty-fifty groups. Have your students figure out how large the groups should live as a warm-up to your partitioning lesson.

Provide each pupil amongst an array mat, blocks, as well as a serial of brusk discussion problems. (worksheet attached).

Ex. You are carving pumpkins for all the houses on your street. There are vii houses as well as 68 pumpkins. How many pumpkins volition each solid get?

Lets demonstrate this amongst blocks.

(insert ikon pumpkins_packed.jpg)

Question to Ask:

“How tin give notice nosotros purpose what nosotros know to come upwards up amongst an efficient, simple way, of dividing upwards these pumpkins/blocks?”

Remind students that packing blocks to stand upwards for pumpkins is a groovy house to start, as well as they should log their persuasion processes inwards their math journals. <-- a groovy way of assessing progress as well as deep conceptual understanding.

Students may come upwards up amongst several dissimilar ways of answering the problem. Repeated subtraction*, written work, or distributing inwards fifty-fifty groups on the array mat are all groovy options.

Questions to ask:

After they divide, if nosotros took all the pumpkins back, how many would nosotros have? How tin give notice nosotros demonstrate this amongst a release sentence? What does this learn us almost checking your work?

*Using repeated subtraction as a method of simple partitioning tin give notice live a groovy way to start. It’s of import to emphasize that repeated subtraction is the non the same as partitioning fifty-fifty though repeated add-on is multiplication. Can your students figure out the argue for this? Sometimes it takes adults a chip of fourth dimension as well! Repeated subtraction finds the release of equal groups piece sharing finds the release IN each equal group.

ex. 25-8-8-8 = 1 non the same as 25/8 BUT 8+8+8 = 24 which IS the same as 8x3

Ask your students non solely to percentage their discoveries, but swap technique amongst unopen to other group.

As for the remainder, remind your students that real-life partitioning agency at that spot are real-life solutions to what’s leftover.

Challenge Question: What does the balance stand upwards for as well as why can’t nosotros precisely brand unopen to other grouping out of it?

Even though nosotros oft ignore the balance inwards a partitioning work - If they actually did lead maintain likewise many pumpkins, what could they attain amongst it?

Give them to a friend who doesn’t alive on the block? Use them to decorate their ain front end porch? Make pancakes as well as pumpkin seed snacks out of them? Cut them into bits as well as leave of absence it for the compost?

Peak your students’ interest. Instill curiosity!

Math is everywhere from the World Series to how many tabular array spoons of cinnamon to toss into that delicious vat of hot cider. Maintaining a clear reminder of this is vital to a student’s engagement.

And precisely to top it all of, follow this lesson upwards amongst a existent autumn activity similar leafage collecting as well as dividing, pie baking where partitioning as well as measurements are unavoidably enjoyable, or my personal favorite; predicting how many pieces of Halloween candy they would demand to collect to lead maintain plenty for a few sugariness treats every week!

General Tips for when your students are stuck:

  • Simplify the problem. Focus on identifying patterns rather than getting the reply correct.
  • See if they tin give notice operate backwards as well as regain the exact indicate inwards the lesson where the challenge becomes likewise much.
  • Encourage self-correction past times cry for questions to help them position points of error.  ie. They brand an incomplete grouping out of the remainder. Can they workout why this isn’t a feasible solution?
  • Put the blocks away as well as only verbalise almost potential solutions. Then dive dorsum in, but slowly! Always get-go amongst an easily doable problem. This provides a confident get-go for students.

And most importantly:
  • Listen to unopen to trip the calorie-free fantastic toe music. Dance to the trip the calorie-free fantastic toe music. Sing to the trip the calorie-free fantastic toe music. Boogie woogie woogie until y'all precisely can’t boogie no more.

Wow! Great information Avery! Thanks for existence a invitee blogger at . If anyone wants to live a invitee only e-mail me at amongst your invitee post persuasion as well as we'll travel out from there. Have a groovy ease of your weekend!