A Tour Of Resourceaholic.Com

There's a lot going on hither on resourceaholic.com. I thought it mightiness endure helpful to position out a guide to assist novel visitors honour their agency around.

My resource libraries tin endure accessed using the tabs at the top of the page. I update these libraries whenever I uncovering a especially goodness costless resource. I also create regular maintenance to withdraw broken links. I promise that my libraries assist to trim back teachers' workload past times giving them quick, slow access to goodness resources.

The most visited page is Algebra which lists algebra resources for Key Stage 3 together with 4. The resources are grouped past times topic.

It's a shame that my Core A2 page doesn't learn to a greater extent than visits - in that place aren't many online banks of H5N1 grade resources together with I mean value there's some actually useful materials here. I piece of work it all the fourth dimension when I'm planning Year xiii lessons. In 2 years it has alone had 7,000 visits (compared to 42,000 for the algebra page) which suggests that most H5N1 grade teachers either don't know most it or don't take it.

I've published 173 weblog posts thence far, averaging vii a month. Browse through my blog archive.

My top 5 weblog posts (based on the issue of views), are:
  1. Tricks together with Tips 1: HCF 
  2. Ideas for Teaching Circle Theorems
  3. Five things yous mightiness non know most the novel GCSE content #1
  4. Teaching Indices
  5. Words of Wisdom: Teaching Foundation GCSE

If yous haven't read Ideas from Shanghai then delight create own got a look. I wrote it at a fourth dimension of much opposition (on Twitter, at least) to Maths Hubs.

My favourite weblog post - because I enjoyed writing it thence much - is The Joy of Planning. I wrote it at a fourth dimension when some prominent bloggers were suggesting that teachers should deliver scripted lessons.

Most of my posts are most ideas together with resources that yous tin piece of work inward the classroom only sometimes I write thought pieces, for instance my post Worries is most recruitment concerns together with curriculum change. Occasionally I write posts that aren't maths-specific, for instance my posts High Expectations together with Behaviour Management for Beginners.

If you're an H5N1 grade instructor together with thence yous mightiness taste my posts A Level Reforms: First Thoughts, Bridging the Gap to H5N1 Level together with Kicking off Year 12. I also own got a issue of posts most H5N1 grade resources together with topics.

Gem Awards 2015 where I shared some highlights. I'll endure writing Gem Awards 2016 presently to grade the mo anniversary of my blog.

Some of my weblog posts incorporate collections of resources, including Stretching Practice, Higher GCSE Revision together with Multiple Choice Questions.

My post Open Evening provides ideas together with resources for opened upwards evenings, Enrichment provides a listing of in-school speakers together with Favourite Problems provides links to work solving websites. I own got a issue of Teaching Trigonometry together with Long Live Stem together with Leaf) together with posts most Factorising Harder Quadratics together with Algebraic Division).

Information together with Support
.com provides data for maths teachers including conference listings, Twitter hashtags together with links for primary teachers. These pages tin endure accessed through the 'extras' carte on the right-hand side (this isn't visible on the mobile site).
I desire my weblog to endure a primary rootage of back upwards for teaching the novel GCSE specification thence I've worked difficult to assemble together resources together with back upwards on this real life graphs, tangents together with areassequences, inequalities and quadratic graphs.

On a light-hearted note, my pages Mathsy Gifts together with Words to Avoid always heighten a smile.


Another projection was my Misconceptions website. The thought was that people shipping me photos of pupil misconceptions which I collate together with publish. This would endure useful for novel teachers, for instance if it's your kickoff fourth dimension teaching indices yous tin await at all the indices misconceptions to assist yous project design effectively. People sent me loads of corking examples only I had to surrender on the projection really early because it's impossible to piece of work part-time, woman nurture 2 children together with run 3 websites! It could endure automated (ie people could upload photos directly) only I don't own got the fourth dimension or expertise to brand that happen. If anyone wants to accept command of this projection I'm happy to overstep it over.

Another projection involved pulling together collections of problems relating to specific topics - for instance a fix of problems that involve Pythagoras' Theorem. There's 5 sets here and I promise to brand some to a greater extent than over summer.

Since I started writing resourceaholic.com I've been involved inward organising and/or speaking at diverse events - yous tin run across a listing of my achievements together with engagements on my About Me page.

If you'd similar to proceed up-to-date amongst my blog, yous tin subscribe past times e-mail using the 'Follow past times Email' box on the right-hand side. Once you've confirmed your e-mail address, you'll have an e-mail whenever I position out a novel post. I currently own got around 200 subscribers.

Alternatively yous tin similar my Facebook page or follow me on Twitter. I'm on Twitter a lot!

The bulk of my audience is from the Britain only I create own got a few international readers too, especially from the US.

I promise this has been a helpful introduction to what yous tin honour on resourceaholic.com. I'm happy to response whatsoever questions - delight tweet or email me, or comment below. I'm also happy to accept requests for weblog posts (but delight don't inquire me to promote products!).

Thanks for reading!

A cake to celebrate my 50th gems post
(with cheers to @tessmaths together with my lovely Twitter friends)